
In an increasingly complex regulatory environment, maintaining business integrity is vital for organizational success. Our forensic solution is designed to help companies navigate challenges related to regulatory compliance, fraud, and financial crime. We provide a comprehensive suite of services, from proactive risk management to reactive investigations, aimed at fostering transparency and trust.

Our approach


Our forensic services professionals leverage industry-spanning technology and control assessment expertise to execute investigations, compliance assessments, and forensic analyses effectively.


Diverse teams bring varied perspectives, skills, and abilities, fostering collaboration that drives innovative and effective client solutions.


We are a trusted partner that integrates with client teams to foster a collaborative environment.


We design robust processes and controls that are scalable and sustainable; leveraging the use of technology to fortify security and foster enduring growth.

Our services

Regulatory & compliance/financial crime compliance

A control framework for managing regulatory and compliance risk is critical to a culture of integrity. We help organizations in their efforts to prevent, detect, and respond appropriately to regulatory and compliance risks.

Anti-money laundering (AML) and financial crimes scrutiny now goes beyond traditional financial institutions, and AML and economic/trade sanctions remain a high priority for enforcement authorities as weapons against terrorist financing, drug trafficking, and other crimes. Our Forensic professionals routinely assist financial institutions with assessing the strength of their compliance with Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)/AML laws and the sanctions programs administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and other bodies.

Financial crimes services

  • Financial crimes assessments
  • Independent testing
  • Client on-boarding, KYC, customer due diligence (CDD), risk rating
  • Remediation assistance
  • Investigations and due diligence
  • Financial crimes, AML, or sanctions Integration
  • AML and sanctions culture
  • Information and technology enablement

AML lookbacks

When regulators require a financial institution to conduct a transaction lookback review, it is often due to perceived inadequacies in transaction monitoring programs or concerns regarding suspicious activity identification. We offer specialized lookback review services to help financial institutions navigate this complex process efficiently and effectively, ensuring regulatory compliance and minimizing operational disruption.

Our lookback review consulting services would include:

  • Independence: Serve as a credible, independent partner for lookback reviews, leveraging experience to match the scale and complexity of each project while ensuring regulatory satisfaction through an informed approach.
  • Tailored approach: Design lookback methodology for efficiency by defining transaction data scope, creating a robust alert process, and ensuring transparent documentation for regulatory alignment.
  • Proactive planning: Collaborate with your institution to identify potential challenges, enabling the development of realistic project plans and minimizing disruptions.
  • Regulatory alignment: Engage with regulators for real-time feedback, ensuring the lookback approach meets expectations and investing time to access and understand all relevant data for accuracy.
  • Effective communication: Establish clear operating protocols for escalation, question handling, and Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) documentation to align all stakeholders throughout the project.
  • Seamless integration: Assist in integrating lookback findings into ongoing monitoring systems and offer recommendations to enhance transaction monitoring processes.


Our team helps clients determine the relevant facts and circumstances of fraud, misconduct, or violations of laws, regulations, or company policies. Through detailed inquiries and examinations, including the use of sophisticated data analytic techniques, we provide a cost-effective, objective, and impartial means to establish and assess the relevant truths and their implications for legal counsel, audit and special committees, and other executives responsible for responding to administrative, disciplinary or criminal inquiries, management reporting, or liaising with law enforcement.

We also can help organizations in their efforts to identify appropriate remedial actions, make restatements, and communicate with regulators and the outside auditor. We coordinate with professionals from other jurisdictions to help organizations achieve the highest levels of business integrity. We can readily assemble local or multinational teams comprising members who share methodologies, demonstrated technical skills, and deep industry knowledge. Team members include professionals who previously served in law enforcement, worked in regulatory agencies, or had a career in the legal profession. Others have significant experience in forensic accounting, auditing, data analytics, finance, technology, and organizational integrity.


  • Whistleblower allegations
  • Regulatory probe
  • Red flags detected by management or auditors
  • Allegation of bribery or corruption (e.g., U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)
  • Allegation of misstatements in financial reports
  • Upcoming opportunities requiring a review of existing practices and policies, including overseas expansion
  • Corporate or industry-wide crisis or natural disaster
  • Internal reports of fraud and misconduct
  • Media reports of issues which could cause reputational damage

Forensic Data & Analytics

Forensic Data & Analytics (FDA) services are used to support a number of forensic service offerings, including proactive and reactive fraud analysis and fraud risk assessments using risk ranking methods. Additional services include anti-money laundering, investigations, anti-bribery and anti-corruption investigations, and compliance due diligence.

Dispute advisory services or litigation support

Provide professional, objective, and independent assistance in preventing and resolving commercial disputes, including reporting and giving evidence on expert findings, assessing damages, providing an orderly process for discovery, and evaluating a party’s case in commercial or accounting matters.

Anti-bribery & anti-corruption services

  • Proactive work to assist a company in complying with relevant anti-bribery and corruption rules, regulations and legislation, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.K. Bribery Act, and other overseas bribery rules and regulations. Proactive services include risk assessments, compliance program design and assessment, third-party management and screening, pre- and post- acquisition due diligence, newly acquired entity integration and change management, internal and compliance audits, IT governance, design and implementation of reporting programs and systems, and training.

  • Reactive work to assist a company in responding to suspicions or allegations of bribery and corruption. Reactive services include inquiry, investigations, the use of forensic technology and e-Discovery tools to review electronic information, and the development of strategies and plans to strengthen the organization’s environment as a result of an internal audit, investigation, or identified non-compliance.