Guiding your business through the complexities of the IPO process

Embarking on an IPO is a thrilling milestone for a company, marking a new chapter of growth and opportunity. The journey to an IPO is demanding, requiring companies to navigate complex compliance obligations, manage expectations, and undergo rigorous scrutiny from various internal and external stakeholders. With Socorro Partners, you gain a strategic partner committed to your success, providing support throughout the entire IPO lifecycle to foster your company's growth and stability as a new public entity.

Key components to an IPO readiness assessment
Process optimization and internal controls
Finance, tax, and accounting readiness
Team structure
Governance and legal
Technology infrastructure

Launching your IPO journey

Early preparation is key when starting your IPO journey. Performing an IPO readiness assessment helps drive key milestones in your project plan by identifying focus areas in operations, governance, financial reporting, and regulatory compliance. By uncovering weaknesses and risks early on, issues can be addressed proactively, mitigating potential obstacles that could hinder the transformation from a private to a public company.

Partnering with an advisor early in the IPO process is imperative to assist in the transition to a public company. Socorro Partners will help you identify, understand, and address the focus areas during the pre-IPO planning phase, which is generally a year to 18 months ahead of the IPO.

The IPO journey map

Preparation →

12-18 months prior to IPO

  • Conduct readiness evaluation and gap analysis
  • Develop strategy and project management
  • Assemble IPO team
  • Prepare financial statements and undergo audits
Pre-filing →

3-6 months prior to IPO

  • Draft registration statement (Form S-1) with the Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Conduct due diligence review and address any issues
  • Establish preliminary pricing range and target investors
Filing →

2-4 months prior to IPO

  • Submit registration statement to SEC for review
  • Conduct roadshow presentations to potential investors
  • Finalize offering size, share price, and underwriting syndicate
SEC review →

1-2 months prior to IPO

  • Respond to SEC comments and address any concerns
  • Finalize prospectus and other offering documents
Approval & pricing →

1-2 weeks prior to IPO

  • Receive SEC approval for registration statement
  • Price IPO shares based on investor demand and market conditions
IPO day →

Day of the IPO

  • IPO shares become available for public trading on stock exchange
  • Trading begins, and shares are priced and sold to investors
Post-IPO →

After the IPO

  • Fulfill reporting and compliance obligations as a public company

Common IPO issues and how we can help

Underestimating the aggressive timeline of the IPO process

Develop a robust, agile project management office to oversee and effectively manage every step of the IPO process, in collaboration with management, auditors, counsel, underwriters, and other outside parties integral to the IPO lifecycle.

Insufficient accounting and reporting resources

Work in collaboration with the finance and accounting departments to improve the financial reporting and accounting processes to meet the reporting demands of a public company.  In addition, partner with the business throughout the IPO process to provide technical accounting assistance, which includes working collaboratively with the auditor and their national office, supporting the preparation of the registration statements, and providing assistance throughout the SEC’s comment clearance process.

Inadequate internal controls

Assist in establishing a thoughtful, risk-based SOX strategy and internal controls implementation approach that involves the integration of business processes and IT.

Post-IPO performance: Failure to meet market expectations

Provide ongoing post-IPO support with on-call accounting advisory, including financial reporting, technical accounting, and SOX compliance, as well as tax provision and compliance services.

Our approach

Our IPO execution services offer tailored support from pre-IPO planning to post-IPO compliance. With a focus on efficiency and client success, we guide companies through every stage of the process, ensuring a smooth transition to becoming a public company.


Our team has significant experience successfully working through IPO readiness projects with a disciplined approach.


We offer customized project plans to support your organization at every stage of the process.


We are a trusted partner that seamlessly integrates with client teams to foster a collaborative environment.


We create scalable and sustainable processes, enabling long-term success.

Our services

Socorro Partners offers a suite of services to support the IPO lifecycle. Our IPO execution solution is catered to address needs throughout the IPO lifecycle and can be adjusted as priorities shift.

Agile project management

  • Pre-IPO readiness assessment
  • Comprehensive IPO roadmap
  • Ongoing project management and third-party coordination
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Governance support

  • Enhance governance foundation
  • Due diligence support
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Accounting & SEC reporting assistance

  • Audit readiness & external reporting preparation
  • Technical accounting & accounting policies
  • Financial statement close & SEC reporting process optimization
  • SEC comment letter responses
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IT infrastructure

  • Enterprise resource planning systems requirements and design
  • Process automation
  • Continuity
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Risk management & internal controls

  • SOX compliance
  • IT risk management and security
  • Internal audit assistance
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Tax optimization

  • Tax compliance
  • Provision services
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Post-IPO support

  • Ongoing SOX compliance assistance
  • Ongoing technical accounting support
  • External reporting assistance
  • Operational optimization
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